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Coaching on Dota game screenshot
SSL Secure
SSL Secure
The site uses SSL protocol, it fully protects input data and information. We also use the HTTPS protocol to encrypt data.
We use the VPN of your country to disguise our actions on the account. This greatly increases the security of the account.
Safe Boost
Safe Boost
While working on accounts, we comply with all security measures. We do not use bots and scripts. We do not use in-game chat. Also, we do not allow the intersection of IP and MAC addresses.
5% Cashback
5% Cashback
We add 5% of the order amount to your balance to your personal account. These funds are equivalent to real currency and can be used to pay for any services on our website.
24/7 Support
24/7 Support
Our team works 24 hours per day. Customer support via chat is available 24/7.
Money refunds
Money refunds
We provide a full or partial refund if you change your mind or if there is an accident. You can learn more about this from the operator.

Coaching on Dota

1.5$ will be credited to your accountYou will receive 5% of the order amount to the account balance. Account balance can be used to pay for services on the site in full. You can see your balance in your personal account info (on the top right). Cashback, account balance and operations with it become available after registration on the site.

SSL Secure
SSL Secure
The site uses SSL protocol, it fully protects input data and information. We also use the HTTPS protocol to encrypt data.
We use the VPN of your country to disguise our actions on the account. This greatly increases the security of the account.
Safe Boost
Safe Boost
While working on accounts, we comply with all security measures. We do not use bots and scripts. We do not use in-game chat. Also, we do not allow the intersection of IP and MAC addresses.
5% Cashback
5% Cashback
We add 5% of the order amount to your balance to your personal account. These funds are equivalent to real currency and can be used to pay for any services on our website.
24/7 Support
24/7 Support
Our team works 24 hours per day. Customer support via chat is available 24/7.
Money refunds
Money refunds
We provide a full or partial refund if you change your mind or if there is an accident. You can learn more about this from the operator.

Coaching on Dota

This includes:

🕓 Recommended number of training hours - 2 hours.


💡  How to buy?

  • Decide the number of hours and check the box next to the desired amount.
  • Click "Add to cart" button.
  • In the basket in the comment specify the desired learning options, as well as other important details.
  • Next you can place your order and contact the operator if you have any questions.

Below are some basic questions you can ask our coaches. Coaching is personal, so we will adapt to your needs.


💡  General questions:

  • Description of the general aspects of the game.
  • Description of the individual aspects of the game.
  • The lessons are individually based on your needs and level of play.
  • Just as you play the game 1-2 under coach.


💡  Tricks of the trade:

  • Answers to your questions.
  • Dota 2 setting for a comfortable game. Making the correct interface.
  • Tips and tactics for beginners simple.
  • Correct peaks heroes and bans.
  • Selecting a role in the game: Tank, Carry or Support.
  • Control cards and hero. The types of lines and their description.
  • Learning how to farm or stand online and not die. Learn roaming (moving map).
  • Quick purchase items and farm gold. How to fight off the investment in items quickly and efficiently.
  • Bleeding in the forest.
  • Varding - learning how to make exploration and to help the team win.
  • Runes - learn to monitor their appearance, use them efficiently and Maskimalno on the team.
  • Secrets of excellence.


💡  Game subtleties:

  • Purchase for your favorite hero. What to buy and how to do it correctly?
  • Hanka. Learning how to gank enemies.
  • Aggression on the line.
  • Lessons sapportinga. Be a good tech support.
  • Competent batch or initiation. How to start? Tips.
  • Roshan. Kill correctly and obtain the benefits of the enemy.
  • Selection of players for matchmaking. What is CDA and other aspects of Dota 2.
  • Job Description rating systems Dota 2, soloMMR, teamMMR, calibration.

Our coaches have solo rating 5800+


 💬 Please contact us if you have any other questions - the bottom right corner.

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