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WoW Hellfire Infernal Boost
Unlock the prestigious Hellfire Infernal mount with our WoW boosting services. The Hellfire Infernal is acquired by defeating Gul'dan in the Nighthold raid on Mythic difficulty—a formidable challenge that requires top-tier gear and excellent coordination. Our professional boosting team ensures you obtain this coveted mount without the hassle and time investment. In addition to the Hellfire Infernal, you will also receive valuable loot and achievements from the Mythic Nighthold raid. Save time and effort by booking your Hellfire Infernal Boost today and enjoy your new mount in World of Warcraft!
Term of completion: 4-5 hours.
Character requirements: level 110
Why us:
- More than 8 years we provide services in WoW.
- We work with top guilds.
- Raids every day for both fraction.
- Thousands of good reviews.
- Quick response from operator in online chat.
Service includes:
- Gul'Dan kill in The Nighthold in mythic mode.
- Fiendish Hellfire Core that will teach you to summon a Hellfire Infernal.
Options description:
Selfplay - you can take part in the raid without account sharing. Price is higher because of higher risk chances for a raid.
After reservation raid for your character refund are not possible.
Contact the operator in the lower right corner for details and answers to all your questions.