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Nerub'ar Palace Heroic Boost
Experience an adrenaline-fueled journey through Nerub'ar Palace (NP) with our lightning-fast Heroic boost, where you'll conquer all 8 bosses on Heroic (HC) difficulty. Uncover cutting-edge gear and exhilarating rewards in The War Within's inaugural raid. Secure your Nerub'ar Palace HC carry today and confront Queen Ansurek and her formidable minions in this thrilling 11.0 raid. From day one of its release, Dving has offered the Nerub'ar Palace Heroic boost, ensuring you're equipped for the challenge. Count on our unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier experiences through our professional Nerub'ar Palace HC boosting services.
Nerub'ar Palace Heroic boost includes:
- You will get kill of all bosses in Nerub’ar Palace raid.
- Chance to get high item level gear.
- Group loot.
- Raid passing in the negotiated time.
- Heroic mode.
- For killing last boss Queen Ansurek in heroic: Nerub’ar Palace, you will get Ahead of the Curve achievement.
- Passage of raids is available only on EU/RU/US servers.
Armor and Token priority - You will roll only for tokens and armor suitable for your class. Non-set items (such as necklaces, rings, trinkets, cloaks, and weapons) will be rolled among you and the other 3 customers. Depending on the chosen number of unsaved boosters with a clear cooldown, you will get from 2-3 to 5-6 items for a roll from each boss. If you don’t want to rely on luck, you can order from 4 to 9 guaranteed items depending on the selected number of unsaved boosters (if you don’t receive them during one raid run, we will complete another free raid run for you next week).
Full priority - You will receive all suitable loot, from armor and tier set tokens to non-set gear, trinkets, and weapons without any limitations because you will be the only customer in the raid group. Typically, 2-3 pieces of gear of various types drop from every boss, but we can add more unsaved players with clear cooldowns to further increase the amount of loot.
🕓 ETA: 1-4 hours.
🔒 Requirements:
- The War Within expansion;
- Active WoW subscription;
- Level 80 character.
💬 Ask operator if you have any questions.
Frequently bought together

Kill of all bosses in Nerub’ar Palace raid on the normal difficulty

Kill of all bosses in Nerub’ar Palace raid on the mythic difficulty.

Kill of last boss in Nerub’ar Palace raid on the normal difficulty

Kill of the last boss in Nerub’ar Palace raid on the heroic difficulty