39.95$ will be credited to your accountYou will receive 5% of the order amount to the account balance. Account balance can be used to pay for services on the site in full. You can see your balance in your personal account info (on the top right). Cashback, account balance and operations with it become available after registration on the site.
Pack "PVP achievements" of the Legion
This includes:
- Boost arena rating 2200 3vs3
- Boost RBG rating 2000
- And bonuses
During the order completion you will either get:
Huge quantitny of usefull stuff, including Artifact power, recourses, gold.
9 Prestige levels and rewards like: Mounts, titles, artifact skins etc!
Vicious saddle.
Chance to get legendary item 1000 level
Why us:
- More than 8 years we provide services in WoW.
- We have over 300 boosters.
- We assume orders immediately.
- Thousands of good reviews.
- Quick response from operator in online chat
Contact our operators for details, and we'll answer all your questions.