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Reins of the Drake of the East Wind game screenshot

WoW Reins of the Drake of the East Wind Boost

This includes:

Drake of the East Wind —is a Cataclysm Classic mount rewarded for completion of Glory of the Cataclysm Raider achievement. We offer Drake of the East Wind for sale for collectors who want to get this mount effortlessly and skip all the time-consuming and boring parts of this quest.

Get Drake of the East Wind mount boost to enlarge your collection with this awesome-looking dragon. Completing all the tasks to get it takes plenty of free time and requires having a strong skill. If you want to get it as soon as possible, buy Reins of the Drake of the East Wind mount with the help of an experienced team of WoW Cata players.

Срок выполнения: 2-4 часа.


Почему мы: 

  • Более 8 лет предоставляем услуги в WoW.
  • В нашем штате более 300 драйверов.
  • Начало выполнения  в день заказа.
  • Тысячи отзывов от благодарных клиентов.
  • Мгновенный ответ наших операторов в онлайн чат.


Услуга включает:

Получение маунта - Поводья Дракона Восточного ветра.


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