2.94$ will be credited to your accountYou will receive 5% of the order amount to the account balance. Account balance can be used to pay for services on the site in full. You can see your balance in your personal account info (on the top right). Cashback, account balance and operations with it become available after registration on the site.
WoW The War Within Pathfinder Boost
The War Within Pathfinder achievement is essential for unlocking Steady Flight in Khaz Algar, allowing you to fly smoothly and swiftly through the skies of this new region. However, the path to achieving this can be long and tedious, especially if you’re completing it for a second or third character. With our War Within Pathfinder boost service, you can skip the grind and let Dving's skilled team handle all the required tasks, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.
- The War Within Pathfinder meta-achievement completed with a 10% discount, or its specific parts;
- Steady Flight in Khaz Algar unlocked upon completing full TWW Pathfinder achievement;
- Chance to complete Azj-Kahet, Hallowfall, The Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, and Khaz Algar Explorer achievements;
- All the gold, gear and other useful resources earned throughout The War Within Pathfinder boosting service.
🕓 ETA: 1 Day.
🔒 Account rules and requirements:
- The War Within expansion;
- Level 70 character.
- Do not log in your account during the boost.
💬 Contact our operators for any details. You can ask them everything.