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The Final Shape Pathfinder Boost Destiny 2
Purchase our D2 Pathfinder service to rapidly advance through Battle Pass levels. Pathfinder is a new system of challenges introduced in The Final Shape, replacing the old bounties. These challenges are grouped into cycles and provide substantial loot and XP for your account. While completing Pathfinder can be a grindy process, our Pathfinder D2 service can help you obtain all the rewards with ease. Simply choose the type of Pathfinder you need, and we'll complete any number of cycles for you without breaking a sweat.
What you will get:
- Chosen number of Pathfinder cycles completed.
- Tons of XP for Artifact and Season Pass level.
- Chance to get Exotic items for every cycle completed.
- Pale Heart Armor pieces and Weapons with a chance for red borders.
- Bright Dust and Pale Heart resources.
🕓 ETA: 2 - 11 hours.
🔒 Requirements:
- Destiny 2 account with The Final Shape Expansion purchased.
- The Final Shape Campaign completed, or the corresponding option chosen.
- 1960+ Light level.
💬 Ask operator if you have any questions.