
Naxxramas - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 3-4 hours.

The Obsidian Sanctum - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 1-2 hours.

The Eye of Eternity - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 1-2 hours.

Full raid gear
🕓 ETA: 2-3 weeks.

Vault of Archavon - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 1-2 hours.

Onyxia's Lair - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 1-2 hours.

Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 3-4 hours.

Ulduar - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 3-4 hours.

Icecrown Citadel - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 3-4 hours.

The Ruby Sanctum - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 1-2 hours.

Glory of the Raider - WotLK
🕓 ETA: 1-2 week.