Patch 9.1

Campaign Chains of Domination
🕓ETA: Up to 3 weeks.

Tazavesh, The Veiled market
🕓 ETA: 30-60 mins.

Soul Cinders Farm
🕓ETA: 1-4 hours.

Korthia unlock
🕓ETA: from 30 mins.

Hand of Salaranga
🕓ETA: 7-21 days.

Hand of Hrestimorak
🕓ETA: 3-4 hours.

Hand of Nilganihmaht
🕓ETA: 7-21 days.

Hand of Bahmethra
🕓ETA: 7-21 days.

Fallen Charger's Reins
🕓ETA: 1-21 days.

Soul Ash farm
🕓 ETA: 1-3 hours

Campaign Covenant
All 4 covenant campaigns.

Powerleveling 1-50 Shadowlands
🕓 ETA: ~ 48-72 hours

World Quests Dragonflight
🕓 ETA: 3-4 hours per 30 world quests.

🕓 ETA: 24 hours

The Maw boost
🕓 ETA: 24 hours

Shadowlands Legendary Recipes
Get legendary items in the shortest possible time.

Shadowlands Reputations
🕓 ETA: from 24 hours.

Torghast Tower Challenge Boost
🕓 ETA: 1 - 3 hours

Powerleveling 50-60 Shadowlands
🕓 ETA: ~ 12 hours

Mawsworn Charger's Reins
🕓ETA: 7-21 days.

Covenant Assaults
🕓ETA: 2 hours.

Shadowlands Flying Unlock
🕓ETA: 2 weeks.

Vicious War Gorm
🕓ETA: 3-6 days.