Fated raids
Fated Castle Nathria 👉 Heroic
🕓 ETA: 1 - 4 hours.
Fated Castle Nathria 👉 Normal
🕓 ETA: 1 - 3 hours
Fated Sire Denathrius 👉 All modes
Fated Castle Nathria 👉 Mythic
🕓 ETA: 4-6 hours.
Fated Sepulcher of the First Ones 👉 Heroic
🕓 ETA: 1-4 hours.
Fated The Jailer 👉 All modes
Fated Sepulcher of the First Ones 👉 Normal
🕓 ETA: 1-3 hours.
Fated Sepulcher of the First Ones 👉 Mythic
🕓 ETA: 3-6 hours.
Fated Sanctum of Domination 👉 Mythic
🕓 ETA: 3 - 5 hours.
Fated Sanctum of Domination 👉 Heroic
🕓 ETA: 1 - 3 hours.
Fated Sanctum of Domination 👉 Normal
🕓 ETA: 1 - 3 hours.
Fated Sylvanas Windrunner 👉 All modes
Zereth Overseer
🕓 ETA: 30 mins.
Glory of the Sepulcher Raider
🕓 ETA: 3 - 5 hours.
Vengeance's Rein
🕓 ETA: 30 mins.