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Diablo 4 Season 7: Complete Guide to Occult Gems and Headhunts

Headhunts - Diablo 4

Headhunts are similar to Helltides, with the Tree of Whispers periodically activating a Headhunt in random zones of Sanctuary.

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Headhunts offer several types of activities within the designated zones, each offering Grim Favors. These activities include slaying Bosses, somewhat similar to Blood Maidens in Helltides, killing designated enemies in specific areas, and participating in patrols of the zone with an NPC.


Headrotten - Diablo 4

The Headrotten are new to Sanctuary and are described as being "sick in the mind and spirit." There are a few different variations of Headrotten enemies, and slaying these horrifying monstrosities rewards players with Restless Rot – a crafting material necessary to make Occult Gems.

Completing Whispers in a Headhunt will spawn Exposed Roots, with a rare chance to spawn an Uprooted Cocoon. These Cocoons spawn a Headless Husk, with a chance for the Husk to be possessed by a Fugitive Head. Playing on higher Difficulty Tiers and using the new Draught of Whispers both increase the chance to encounter Husks possessed by a Fugitive Head, so completing Headhunt Whispers on Torment IV with a Draught of Whispers active is the most effective way to farm Fugitive Heads.

"Grim Favors can now be turned in at a Raven of the Tree."

When possessed, these dangerous Elites drop a Fugitive Head, which players can use alongside Restless Rot and Gem Fragments to craft Occult Gems at the Tree of Whispers. These new Gems come in Magic, Rare, and Legendary quality and offer unique effects that empower various traits and abilities.

Headhunt Whispers - Diablo 4

There are several new Whisper activities and objectives that can be found within Headhunts. These Whispers are the most effective way to gain reputation with the Coven. The majority of these can be easily completed in just a minute or two, though some can be a little tedious. Players interested in maxing out their reputation with the Coven should aim to complete all available Headhunt Whispers before the next Headhunts begin.

  • Dispel: Look for the large purple void zones on the ground, slay the enemy standing within, and kill the waves of enemies that spawn.
  • Fugitive: Kill a Headless Husk anywhere within the Headhunt.
  • Patrol: Kill enemies within the circular boundary of the patrolling guard, indicated by a shield icon on your minimap.
  • Purge the Rot: Kill any Headrotten enemies within the Headhunt.
  • Scour: Loot the specified herbs within the designated area.
  • Seek: Speak to the ghostly frogs, follow them for a short distance, and kill the Headrotten that appears.
  • Shepherd: Enter the boundary surrounding a wildlife creature and accompany them to the safety zone.
  • Wisps: Destroy an Exposed Root and follow the Wisp that spawns, staying within its boundary. This will periodically spawn groups of Headrotten that you must slay, with this cycle repeating a few times before the Wisp reaches full health and the objective is marked complete.
  • Slay: Kill the designated Elite enemies within the Headhunt zone.

Silent Rootholds - Diablo 4

Sharing similarities with Hellbreaches, Nightmare Dungeons, and Infernal Hordes, Silent Rootholds are short, seasonal dungeons with a few familiar mechanics. Rootholds are started with Whispering Wood, which function like Nightmare Dungeon Sigils.

Rites, Rituals, and Ceremonies - Diablo 4

Upon entering a Silent Roothold, players will encounter Rites, Rituals, and Ceremonies, examples of which are listed below. These function the same way as Boons and Banes in Infernal Hordes, offering players a benefit at the cost of increased difficulty.

Rite of Engorged Hearts

Root-spawned enemies have +20% Health.
+1 Exposed Roots spawn in the next section.

Rite of Hubris

Root-spawned Boss and Elites deal +50% Damage.
+1 Exposed Roots spawn in the next section.

Ritual of Aching Thirst

Increase Potion Cooldown +3 Seconds.
Roots now yield +1 Minor Rewards.

Ritual of Futility

Root-spawned Boss and Elites are Unstoppable.
Roots now yield +1 Minor Rewards.

Ritual of Rust and Rain

Reduce All Resist -20%.
Roots now yield +1 Minor Rewards.

Ritual of Shackles

Increase Evade Cooldown +3 Seconds.
Roots now yield +1 Minor Rewards.

Ceremony of the Ticking Clock

You take constant Shadow Damage.
Roots now yield +1 Major Rewards.

Ceremony of Wicked Torment

Flames rain upon you. Evading calls forth Flames.
Roots now yield +1 Major Rewards.

Objectives - Diablo 4

Silent Rootholds only have a few unique Objectives, though they repeat themselves:

  • Perform up to 2 Rites, Rituals, or Ceremonies
  • Uproot Exposed Roots (3)
  • Perform up to 2 Rites, Rituals, or Ceremonies
  • Uproot Exposed Roots (3)
  • Enter the Heart of the Brambles
  • Defeat the Boss

Occult Gems - Diablo 4

Occult Gems are powerful socketables, granting 160 Armor, 8% Resistance to All Elements, and an Occult Power. Some Occult Gems empower specific types of abilities, such as Corpse Skills for Necromancers and Weapon Mastery Skills for Barbarians, while others provide flat bonuses to Movement Speed and Critical Strike Chance.

How to Craft Occult Gems - Diablo 4

Players can craft Occult Gems with Fugitive Heads, Restless Rot, and Gem Fragments by speaking to Gelena at the Tree of Whispers after completing the Seasonal Campaign. Upon completing Chapter 9, players will receive an Occult Gem Grimoire, unlocking Grimoire drops from other sources. Fugitive Heads and Restless Rot can be attained during Headhunts.

Magic Occult Gems require:

  • 1 Fugitive Head
  • 1,000 Restless Rot
  • 50,000 of one type of Gem Fragments to craft.

Rare Occult Gems require:

  • 2 specific Magic Occult Gems
  • 75,000 Skull Fragments to craft.

Legendary Occult Gems require:

  • 2 specific Magic Occult Gems
  • 1 specific Rare Occult Gem
  • 100,000 Diamond Fragments to craft.

Gelena can also craft Rotting Cache, granting 300 Restless Rot in exchange for a Fugitive Head, and Coven's Debt, awarding 100 reputation with the Coven at the cost of 500 Restless Rot.

All Occult Gems - Diablo 4

Some Occult Gems interact with Witchcraft Powers, granting traits or bonuses depending on the number of a certain type of Power you have equipped. There are 19 Occult Gems in total:

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