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How to Respec Your Skill Points, Passive Points, and Blessings in Last Epoch

Respec Guide

We all hope we're always making the best choices for our builds. However, there are times when things don't go as planned. At such moments, we may need to make adjustments or even completely overhaul the build without the need to start a new character. This is where respeccing comes in handy. By respeccing, we can tweak our build, refining it until it's perfect, or experiment with something different. In this guide, we'll explain how to respec and cover the costs involved.

What can be Respecced?

There are two main areas where you may want to respec:

  • The points allocated to your skill trees.
  • Your passive points.
  • Blessings.

You can choose to respec either one or both of these areas, but the process and costs for each are different. In the following sections, we'll break down how to respec each area and what it will cost you.

Skill Trees

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Each skill in the Skills & Specializations tab levels up independently, gaining experience as you use it. Reaching a new level rewards you with a skill point, with a maximum of 20 points per skill. Additionally, you can equip gear that provides extra points to invest in your skills. Both of these points can be respecced, but the process for reinvesting them differs.

For gear, you can instantly reinvest the points back into the skill without any negative effects, similar to simply removing and re-equipping the gear. However, for skill points gained through leveling, the process is a bit more complicated:

Each skill has a minimum specialized level, and respeccing below this level will instantly return the points to be reallocated into the skill. Your minimum specialized level starts at 1 and increases as you level up, capping at 10.

Any points above your minimum specialized level will need to be leveled up again.

How to Respec a Skill

To respec a skill, open your Skills & Specializations tab (default key is 's') and select the skill you're specialized in and want to respec. From there, click the 'Respec' button in the top-right corner. Choose the 'Remove Points' option. Now you can click on nodes in the skill tree to remove points, one at a time.

Note: You won’t be able to remove points from nodes that are connected to other active nodes, as this would make that node unusable. For example, if you have points invested in a node that requires 3 points from a previous node, you won’t be able to respec below 3 points in the previous node.

If you want to remove all points from a skill and start fresh, instead of "Remove Points," you can select "Despecialize Skill." This will open the specialization slot, allowing you to reselect the skill, which will now have no points invested in the tree.

If, instead of changing points in the skill tree, you want to select an entirely different skill, you can also do this through the "Despecialize Skill" button. Once the skill is removed from your specialization bar, you’re free to choose a different skill.


Passive points are earned by leveling up and completing quests. To respec your passive points, you need to visit an NPC named Chronomancer Lerinne, who can be found either at The End of Time or The Council Chambers. She is marked on the minimap with an icon of a head with a visible brain.

Talking to her opens a dialogue box that offers the option to "Respecialize Mastery Point allocations." Selecting this will open your passive tree, allowing you to remove points from any nodes you choose. Keep in mind:

  • You can only remove one point at a time, and each removal costs gold. The cost depends on how many points you've invested in the node—removing points from nodes with a high investment costs more than from those with fewer.
  • You cannot remove points from nodes if doing so would cause the higher nodes to no longer meet their point requirements. For example, if a node you’ve invested in requires 35 points in the tree, you cannot remove points below that node if it leaves you with only 34 points invested.
  • You cannot remove more than 20 points from your Base Class tree if you have any points in a Mastery Tree.
  • Once you’ve respecced your passive points, you can immediately reallocate them. Unlike skill points, there’s no need to relevel passive points.


Blessings that have been unlocked can be swapped via a respec vendor located in the End of Time for gold. Blessings and their rolls are stored in the Blessings tab. The vendor allows players to select from these available Blessings.

Only Blessings that the player has received as options after defeating a Timeline boss will be available. This includes the highest roll received. For example, if a player has only encountered the Grand Chaos of Lagon with a minimum roll of 65%, they can only choose that 65% roll. If they have encountered it with a 65% roll and a maximum of 100%, then they can select the 100% roll.

Found Blessings are stored for all characters in that game mode. For example, all characters in the standard softcore mode will have access to any Blessings found by other characters in that mode. However, each character must first defeat the Timeline boss and will only gain access to the minimum roll of any Blessing they haven’t yet unlocked. For example, if you create a character and find a max-rolled Grand Chaos of Lagon, then create a second character, the second character defeats Lagon but does not receive Grand Chaos of Lagon as an option. It will only have access to the minimum roll until it unlocks a better one.

Mastery Class

Your mastery class cannot be respecced. Once you make your choice, it is permanent, so be sure to choose wisely.


There are three things that can be respecced: Skill points, Passive points, and Blessings.

  • Skill point respecs are free up to the minimum specialized level. After that, you'll need to relevel them.
  • Skills can also be despecialized to start fresh or try a different skill.
  • Passive points can be respecced for gold.
  • Blessings can be respecced for gold, but only to other Blessings that have already been found.
  • There is no way to respec your mastery class.

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