Complete Guide to the Garden of Salvation Raid in Destiny 2
The Garden of Salvation raid takes Guardians into the mysterious Black Garden in Destiny 2. This iconic raid features complex mechanics, teamwork-heavy encounters, and impressive rewards, including powerful weapons and gear. Here's a comprehensive guide to mastering this challenging raid.
Encounter 1: Evade the Consecrated Mind

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The raid begins with an introduction to the tether mechanic:
- Mechanic Overview: Stand in a line to connect the cube to the door using the tether beam.
- Team Roles:
- Team 1: Follow the boss and absorb the cube attack.
- Team 2: Clear enemies ahead and open doors.
- Objective: Leapfrog through safe zones until you reach the final field.
Encounter 2: Summon the Consecrated Mind

This encounter introduces the base defense mechanic:
- Arena Layout: Resembles a baseball diamond with four bases.
- Team Setup:
- Place one player at each base.
- Assign two floaters to assist where needed.
- Mechanics:
- Use the tether mechanic to gain the Enlightened Buff for damaging shielded enemies.
- Floaters should support buffing and clearing threats.
Encounter 3: Defeat the Consecrated Mind

The Fireteam splits into Mote Collectors and Boss Engagement Teams:
- Boss Mechanics: Imprisoned players must call out the lit-up eyes. Teammates need to shoot these eyes simultaneously.
- Mote Mechanics:
- Kill Minotaurs to collect Motes.
- Deposit Motes at pylons until they reach 30 to trigger the damage phase.
- Team Roles:
- Boss Team: Follow the Consecrated Mind and execute the eye-shooting mechanic.
- Mote Team: Collect and deposit Motes while defending pylons.
Encounter 4: Defeat the Sanctified Mind

The final boss fight is a test of coordination and precision:
- Arena Layout: Large central platform surrounded by Radiolarian Fluid.
- Team Setup:
- Divide into Portal Team 1, Portal Team 2, and Builders.
- Portal Mechanics:
- Destroy boss weak points to spawn portals.
- Enter portals, collect Motes, and deposit them in pylons.
- Builder Mechanics:
- Rebuild broken sections of the arena using tether mechanics.
- Damage Phase: Once both pylons have 30 Motes:
- Activate a plus symbol near the boss matching the pylon color.
- Extend the damage phase by activating a second symbol.
The Garden of Salvation offers a selection of unique weapons and gear. Here’s a look at the loot you can earn:
Weapon Name | Type |
Divinity | Exotic Trace Rifle |
Reckless Oracle | Auto Rifle |
Sacred Provenance | Pulse Rifle |
Ancient Gospel | Hand Cannon |
Zealot’s Reward | Fusion Rifle |
Prophet of Doom | Shotgun |
Accrued Redemption | Combat Bow |
The Garden of Salvation raid challenges players with unique mechanics and rewards teamwork and communication. By following this guide and practicing the mechanics, Guardians can overcome the challenges and reap the rewards hidden within the Black Garden. Good luck, Guardians!