The Division 2 Oxpecker Exotic SMG – How to Obtain and Best Farming Methods
The Oxpecker is an exotic submachine gun introduced in Season 3 of The Division 2. This unique weapon is designed for Shield-based builds, featuring a special talent that synergizes with defensive playstyles. However, obtaining it requires reaching a certain level and farming specific activities.
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How to Obtain the Oxpecker
To unlock the Oxpecker exotic SMG, you need to:
- Reach Rank 69 in the Season 3 Pass.
- Once unlocked, you receive both the weapon and its blueprint.
- To obtain additional Oxpecker SMGs, you can farm them using:
- Targeted loot for SMGs in Countdown.
- Targeted loot for SMGs in The Summit.
- Completing open-world activities such as control points and missions that offer SMGs as rewards.
If you want to acquire this weapon more efficiently, you can increase your drop chances through strategic farming methods.
How to Increase the Oxpecker Drop Rate
The chances of getting an Oxpecker exotic SMG can be improved by following these strategies:
- Play in a full team where members share SMGs to maximize loot efficiency.
- Farm boss floors in The Summit – select the highest difficulty and activate as many directives as possible to increase loot quantity.
- Utilize Targeted Loot – setting your loot filter to SMGs ensures a higher drop rate for the weapon.
These strategies will help you get the Oxpecker much faster and make the farming process more effective.
Oxpecker Exotic Talent
The Oxpecker SMG comes with a unique exotic talent, called "Symbiosis", making it ideal for Shield users:
- While the Shield is deployed, it loses 10% of its health per second.
- However, the Shield regenerates health equal to 25% of the damage dealt with this weapon.
This ability allows for an aggressive playstyle, rewarding players who stay on the offensive while maintaining their defense.
Oxpecker Exotic Stats and Mods
The Oxpecker SMG is equipped with built-in mods to enhance its performance:
- Muzzle Mod: +10 rounds in the magazine.
- Optics Mod: +50% optimal range.
- Underbarrel Mod: +15% critical hit chance.
These mods make it an excellent choice for high-damage, fast-paced combat, especially for players who rely on critical hits and close-quarters engagements.

The Oxpecker exotic SMG in The Division 2 is a powerful weapon that fits perfectly into Shield-focused builds. Its "Symbiosis" talent encourages aggressive gameplay while ensuring survivability. Players can obtain it by progressing through Season 3 or farming for additional drops using targeted loot and Summit runs.
For the fastest way to get this exotic weapon, use site Dving. Best of luck in securing the Oxpecker SMG, agent!