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Best Division 2 Gear Sets & Brand Sets in 2025

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Welcome to our Division 2 Gear Sets and Brand Sets Guide for 2025, Agent! In The Division 2, gear sets and brand sets are essential for crafting powerful builds, whether you're just starting or are deep into endgame content. With 50 different sets to choose from, it can be overwhelming, especially for new players. But don’t worry—we’re here to make it easier!

Our guide begins by explaining the fundamentals of what gear and brand sets are in The Division 2, along with their unique attributes and features. We’ll provide you with the most effective methods to obtain gear sets and brand sets in the game, ensuring you farm efficiently. Additionally, we’ll break down the set bonuses, attributes, and talents, helping you gain a deeper understanding of how builds are constructed in the game.

Next, we’ll dive into each set individually, offering a full list of all the Division 2 gear sets and brand sets for 2025, including their bonuses and unique talents. You’ll also learn how to craft, recalibrate, and optimize your gear sets, allowing you to maximize their potential in any build.

Finally, we’ll provide curated lists of the best gear and brand sets for different roles—whether DPS or support—and for various PvE and PvP activities, including legendary missions, raids, heroic activities, Dark Zone, and Conflict.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a thorough understanding of which gear sets and brand sets are worth pursuing, and you’ll be able to choose the best ones that fit your playstyle. Ready, Agent?

Key Takeaways

The best Division 2 Gear Sets in 2025 are:

  • Striker
  • Heartbreaker
  • Umbra Initiative
  • Hunter’s Fury
  • Negotiator’s Dilemma
  • Hotshot
  • Rigger
  • Eclipse Protocol
  • Future Initiative
  • Foundry Bulwark

The best Division 2 Brand Sets in 2025 are:

  • Providence
  • Empress
  • Wyvern
  • Alps Summit
  • China Light
  • Palisade Steelworks
  • Brazos de Arcabuz
  • Gila Guard
  • Fenris
  • Petrov
  • Overlord
  • Walker, Harris & Co.

What are Division 2 Gear Sets and Brand Sets?

Gear sets and brand sets are unique collections of equipment in The Division 2 that provide additional stats and bonuses when you equip multiple pieces from the same set. As you equip two, three, or four items from a single set, you unlock powerful set bonuses that significantly enhance your build.

In The Division 2, gear sets form the foundation of any loadout, offering key bonuses that define how your build will function in combat.

Division 2 Set Components

Every Division 2 gear set or brand set is composed of six item types:

  • Mask
  • Backpack
  • Chest
  • Gloves
  • Holster
  • Kneepads

How Many Gear Set Items Can You Equip at Once?

In The Division 2, you can equip up to six items from a single brand or gear set. However, it’s not always beneficial to equip all six pieces. In fact, for brand sets, you only need to equip a maximum of three pieces to unlock all set bonuses, while gear sets require four pieces for the last bonus.

Using more than three (brand set) or four (gear set) pieces doesn’t provide any additional bonuses, as it would in The Division 1, where classified sets offered benefits for having five or six pieces equipped.

To optimize your build, it’s best to use the necessary pieces to unlock the desired set bonuses, while utilizing exotic items or a different gear/brand set for the remaining slots as fillers, giving you flexibility to maximize your build’s power.

How to Get Gear Sets and Brand Sets in Division 2

In Division 2, gear sets and brand sets can be acquired from various in-game activities, offering players plenty of options for obtaining their desired items. Some of the most common ways to get these sets include:

  • Countdown game mode
  • The Summit game mode
  • Open-world activities
  • Missions
  • Dark Zone
  • Raids & Incursion
  • Vendors
  • Caches
  • Crafting
  • Random drops from enemies or other players
  • Seasonal rewards

The Fastest Way to Get Gear Sets and Brand Sets in 2025

The quickest method for acquiring a specific gear set or brand set in Division 2 is to participate in the Countdown game mode while selecting the desired set as your targeted loot. This strategy is highly efficient and allows players to potentially complete a full set in approximately 15 minutes, depending on drop rates and luck. Countdown is recognized as the most efficient farming activity for acquiring gear sets in the game.

Note: When targeting a specific set, the best advice is to play with a full team focused on farming that set and sharing the loot if it drops. This method is by far the fastest way to get any gear set or brand set in The Division 2, especially when you're after god-rolls!

Now that we've covered the basics, let's break down gear sets and brand sets individually, diving into their bonuses, attributes, and talents. We'll start with gear sets. Ready?

Division 2 Gear Sets

How many gear sets are in Division 2 in 2025?

As of now, The Division 2 has 20 gear sets available. Ubisoft introduces a new gear set with each season, so we can expect that by the end of 2025, right before the release of the next DLC, there will be 21 gear sets to choose from. More sets mean greater build variety!

Division 2 Gear Set Bonuses

With gear sets in The Division 2, you unlock different bonuses depending on how many pieces of a specific set you're wearing:

  • 2-piece bonus: Activated when wearing any two pieces from the set.
  • 3-piece bonus: Unlocked when wearing three pieces from the set.
  • 4-piece bonus: Granted when you equip four pieces from the set.

Division 2 Gear Set Attributes

In The Division 2, gear sets are organized based on their core attribute, which ultimately determines the type of build the set is designed for. There are three primary core attribute types, each representing a different focus for builds: offensive, defensive, or utility-based. These attributes play a crucial role in how you craft your loadout and approach gameplay.

Core Attribute Types in Division 2 Gear Sets

Core Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Roll Gear Set Focus
Red Offensive Weapon Damage Firearms and DPS (Damage Per Second)-focused gear sets
Yellow Utility/Offensive Skill Tier Skill-based, Healer, or Support-focused gear sets
Blue Defensive Armor Tanking and Support-oriented gear sets

Each gear set in The Division 2 aligns with one of these core attribute categories, and this defines the primary stat (core attribute) for all the items in that set. This ensures that the gear aligns with a specific playstyle, whether that’s dealing massive amounts of damage, enhancing skills, or absorbing large amounts of damage.

Example: Striker's Battlegear

One of the most iconic offensive sets in the game, Striker's Battlegear, is geared towards increasing your weapon damage output. Because it's a DPS (Damage Per Second)-oriented gear set, all of its components come with the red core attribute, which boosts Weapon Damage. You will never find a Striker gear piece with a blue or yellow core attribute, as this set is solely focused on increasing your damage capabilities.

Secondary Attributes in Gear Sets

In addition to the core attribute, each gear set item will also have a secondary attribute. These attributes provide additional customization options and help further refine your build. There are three main types of secondary attributes:

Offensive, Defensive, and Utility Secondary Attributes

Offensive Utility Defensive
Critical Hit Chance Skill Damage Armor Regeneration
Critical Hit Damage Skill Haste Explosive Resistance
Headshot Damage Skill Repair Hazard Protection
Weapon Handling Status Effects Health

Each gear set piece will always drop with its core attribute and one of these secondary attributes. These secondary attributes can vary widely, offering a range of bonuses that allow you to further enhance your build. Whether you want to increase your Critical Hit Chance for more damage or add Armor Regeneration for extra survivability, these attributes provide flexibility in how you approach your loadout.

Example: Hunter's Fury

The Hunter's Fury set is a perfect example of a gear set that benefits from both offensive and defensive bonuses. All of its pieces come with a red core attribute because it’s designed for high-damage, close-range combat. However, the secondary attributes on Hunter's Fury items might include Critical Hit Chance or Armor Regeneration, giving you additional layers of customization to suit your specific playstyle.

Division 2 Gear Set Talents

One of the standout features of The Division 2 gear sets is the inclusion of unique talents that can only be found on specific items within the set, particularly the chest and backpack pieces. These talents enhance the set's abilities, offering powerful bonuses that are crucial for making the most out of your build.

Gear Set Talents

There are two types of talents associated with gear sets:

  • Chest Talent: This talent is unlocked when you equip 4 pieces of a gear set, including the chest armor. The chest talent typically enhances or magnifies the primary ability of the set, providing a significant boost to one of the core mechanics.

  • Backpack Talent: Similar to the chest talent, this is unlocked when you equip 4 pieces of the gear set, including the backpack. The backpack talent complements the rest of the set, providing another layer of power to your build.

What makes these talents truly unique is that they are tied directly to the gear set. You can’t obtain these talents from any other source, making them essential for maximizing the potential of your chosen set.

Example: Negotiator's Dilemma

For example, the Negotiator's Dilemma set grants you a 2-piece bonus of +15% Critical Hit Chance, which is helpful, but can be achieved through gear rolls or mods. However, the set's "Hostile Negotiations" 4-piece bonus, which causes critical hits to spread damage to marked enemies, is unique to this set. Additionally, the "Target Rich Environment" chest talent and "Critical Measures" backpack talent add even more to the set's effectiveness, allowing you to mark more enemies and deal more damage to them. These talents are exclusive and can't be replicated elsewhere.

All Division 2 Gear Sets in 2025: Full List

As of 2025, The Division 2 features 20 gear sets, with new sets being introduced each season. By the end of 2025, players can expect to have 21 gear sets in total, adding more diversity and options for crafting the perfect build. Below is a detailed list of the available gear sets, along with their key bonuses and talents.

1. Striker's Battlegear

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Handling
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Rate of Fire
  • 4-piece bonus: Striker's Gamble – Weapon hits increase total weapon damage by 0.65%, stacking up to 100 times. You lose 1 stack per second between 0 and 50 stacks, and 2 stacks per second between 50 and 100 stacks.
  • Backpack talent: Risk Management – Increases the total weapon damage gained per stack of Striker's Gamble from 0.65% to 1%.
  • Chest talent: Press the Advantage – Increases the max stacks for Striker’s Gamble from 100 to 200.

2. Heartbreaker

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Assault Rifle Damage & +15% LMG Damage
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Handling
  • 4-piece bonus: Heartstopper – Headshots apply a pulse for 5 seconds. Weapon hits on pulsed enemies add a stack of 1% bonus armor and 1% weapon damage, stacking up to 50 times. You lose 2 stacks per second.
  • Backpack talent: Cold – Increases the total bonus armor gained per stack of Heartstopper from 1% to 2%.
  • Chest talent: Max BPM – Increases the max stacks for Heartstopper from 50 to 100.

3. Umbra Initiative

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Critical Hit Chance
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% Reload Speed
  • 4-piece bonus:
  • From the Shadows – While in cover, gain 10 stacks per second up to 50. Each stack increases critical hit damage by 1% and RPM by 0.3%. This buff doesn’t apply while shooting from cover. Lose 2 stacks per second when out of cover, and 1 stack per second if sprinting.
  • Into the Light – While out of cover and in combat, gain 10 stacks per second up to 50. Each stack grants 0.8% armor regeneration. Stacks are consumed at 10 stacks per second while in cover.
  • Backpack talent: Into the Light – Increases the max stacks for Into the Light from 50 to 100, stack gain from 10 to 20, and stack consumption from 10 to 20.
  • Chest talent: From the Shadows – Increases max stacks for From the Shadows from 50 to 100 and stack gain from 10 to 20.

4. Hunter's Fury

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Shotgun Damage & +15% SMG Damage
  • 3-piece bonus: +20% Armor on Kill & +50% Health on Kill
  • 4-piece bonus: Apex Predator – Enemies within 15 meters receive a debuff, amplifying your weapon damage by 20%. Killing a debuffed enemy disorients other enemies within 5 meters and amplifies your weapon damage by 5% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Backpack talent: Overwhelming Force – Increases the disorient radius from 5 meters to 10 meters.
  • Chest talent: Endless Hunger – Increases the duration of Apex Predator stacks from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.

5. Negotiator's Dilemma

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Critical Hit Chance
  • 3-piece bonus: +20% Critical Hit Damage
  • 4-piece bonus: Hostile Negotiations – Critical hits mark enemies for 20 seconds (up to 3 marks total). Critically hitting a marked enemy causes other marked enemies to take 60% of the damage dealt. Each marked enemy that dies grants +2% Critical Hit Damage, stacking up to 20 times.
  • Backpack talent: Critical Measures – Increases Hostile Negotiations damage to additional marked enemies from 60% to 100%.
  • Chest talent: Target Rich Environment – Increases the maximum number of marked enemies from 3 to 5.

This is just a portion of the gear sets available in The Division 2. We can continue to expand upon the remaining gear sets, providing even more in-depth analysis of their bonuses, talents, and use cases for different playstyles. Let me know if you'd like to proceed!

6. Hotshot

  • 2-piece bonus: +30% Marksman Rifle Damage & +30% Weapon Handling.
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% Headshot Damage.
  • 4-piece bonus: Headache – The first headshot with a marksman rifle increases the next headshot's damage by 20%. A second consecutive headshot grants +10% armor (or bonus armor up to 50% of your current armor if it's full). A third headshot refills your magazine. From the fourth headshot onward, you will receive all three bonuses with every successive headshot kill. Missing a headshot resets the cycle.
  • Backpack talent: Blessed – You can miss one headshot before the cycle resets.
  • Chest talent: Daring – Increases the bonus armor from 50% to 100%.

7. Rigger

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Skill Haste.
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Skill Duration.
  • 4-piece bonus: Tend and Befriend – Interacting with your deployed skills grants them a 25% skill damage boost for 10 seconds. This buff cannot be refreshed. Interactions include using, deploying, changing targets, or healing the skill.
  • Backpack talent: Complete Uptime – Cancelling your skills resets their cooldowns.
  • Chest talent: Best Buds – Increases the skill damage boost from 25% to 50%.

8. Eclipse Protocol

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Status Effects.
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Skill Haste & +30% Hazard Protection.
  • 4-piece bonus: Indirect Transmission – Status effects now spread to nearby enemies within 10 meters when you kill an affected target, refreshing the effect duration by 50%.
  • Backpack talent: Symptom Aggravator – Amplifies all damage dealt to status-affected enemies by 30%.
  • Chest talent: Proliferation – Increases the spread range of Indirect Transmission from 10 meters to 15 meters and refresh rate from 50% to 75%.

9. Future Initiative

  • 2-piece bonus: +30% Repair Skills.
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Skill Haste & +30% Skill Duration.
  • 4-piece bonus: Ground Control – Increases your and your allies' weapon and skill damage by 15% while at full armor. When you repair an ally, you and all nearby allies within 5 meters are also healed for 60% of that amount.
  • Backpack talent: Strategic Combat Support – Increases Ground Control's proximity repair from 60% to 120%.
  • Chest talent: Tactical Superiority – Increases Ground Control's damage boost from 15% to 25%.

10. Foundry Bulwark

  • 2-piece bonus: +10% Total Armor.
  • 3-piece bonus: +1% Armor Regen & +50% Shield Health.
  • 4-piece bonus: Makeshift Repairs – When you or your shield take damage, 25% of the damage is repaired over 10 seconds.
  • Backpack talent: Process Refinery – Reduces Makeshift Repairs time from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Chest talent: Improved Materials – Increases Makeshift Repairs from 25% to 35%.

11. Hard Wired

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Skill Haste.
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Skill Damage & +30% Repair Skills.
  • 4-piece bonus: Feedback Loop – Whenever you use or cancel a skill, your other skill's cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds, while increasing total skill damage and repair by 10% for 20 seconds. Feedback Loop can occur once every 20 seconds.
  • Backpack talent: Short Circuit – Decreases Feedback Loop cooldown from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Chest talent: Positive Reinforcement – Increases Feedback Loop skill damage and repair boost from +10% to +25%.

12. Ongoing Directive

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Status Effects.
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% Reload Speed.
  • 4-piece bonus: Rules of Engagement – Shooting a status-affected enemy marks them. Killing a marked enemy grants a full clip of Hollow-Point Ammo for your active weapon, and half a clip for the rest of the team. Marks last for 10 seconds. Hollow-Point Ammo amplifies weapon damage by 20% and applies bleed on hit.
  • Backpack talent: Trauma Specialist – Increases the duration of your bleed status effects by 50% and bleed damage by 100%.
  • Chest talent: Parabellum Rounds – Increases Hollow-Point Ammo weapon damage amplification to 35%. This bonus does not apply to teammates.

13. True Patriot

  • 2-piece bonus: +30% Ammo Capacity.
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% Magazine Size.
  • 4-piece bonus: Red, White, and Blue – Shooting enemies applies stacking debuffs:
    • Red: Increases damage taken by 8%.
    • White: Repairs 2% armor per second when shooting the enemy.
    • Blue: Reduces the enemy's damage dealt by 8%.
  • Backpack talent: Patriotic Boost – Increases debuff effects (Red: 8% to 12%, White: 2% to 3%, Blue: 8% to 12%).
  • Chest talent: Waving the Flag – Reduces the debuff rotation time from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

14. Aces and Eights

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Marksman Rifle Damage.
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% Headshot Damage.
  • 4-piece bonus: Dead Man's Hand – Flipping cards while landing shots with a marksman rifle increases the next shot's damage by 30%. Stronger hands, such as Four of a Kind, Full House, and Aces and Eights, increase the number of boosted shots.
  • Backpack talent: Ace in the Sleeve – Increases the number of amplified shots by one.
  • Chest talent: No Limit – Increases Dead Man's Hand damage bonus from 30% to 50%.

15. Tip of the Spear

  • 2-piece bonus: +20% Signature Weapon Damage.
  • 3-piece bonus: +10% Weapon Damage.
  • 4-piece bonus: Aggressive Recon – Getting a kill with a Signature Weapon boosts its damage by 15% for 10 seconds and gives +25% Reload Speed for the next reload. Ammo regenerates every 60 seconds.
  • Backpack talent: Signature Moves – Doubles the damage bonus after fully depleting Signature Weapon ammo and increases ammo regeneration.
  • Chest talent: Specialized Destruction – Increases Signature Weapon Damage bonus to 30% and generates ammo every third Signature Weapon kill.

16. System Corruption

  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Armor on Kill.
  • 3-piece bonus: +40% Disrupt Resistance & +40% Pulse Resistance.
  • 4-piece bonus: Hackstep Protocol – Replaces armor kits with a 20-second cooldown skill that repairs 20% armor, grants 50% bonus armor, and hides your nameplate for 5 seconds. Increases weapon damage by 2% per 5% bonus armor gained, up to 20%.
  • Backpack talent: Multithreaded Execution – Increases bonus armor from Hackstep Protocol to 100%.
  • Chest talent: Compiler Optimization – Reduces Hackstep Protocol's cooldown from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.

17. Cavalier

  • 2-piece bonus: +30% Hazard Protection.
  • 3-piece bonus: +40% Repair Skills.
  • 4-piece bonus:
    Charging – For every second spent outside of cover during combat, agents gain 5% reduced incoming skill damage, stacking up to a maximum of 50%.
    Charged – Once fully charged, agents become immune to any movement speed debuffs and share their hazard protection and incoming skill damage reduction with allies for 10 seconds. After the charge is consumed, the Charging effect will restart if still in combat and out of cover.
  • Backpack Talent: Safe Charging – Charging grants 10% protection per second instead of 5%.
  • Chest Talent: Overcharging – Increases the max incoming skill damage protection from 50% to 70%.

18. Ortiz: Exuro

  • 2-piece bonus: +20% Increased Burn Duration & +15% Skill Health.
  • 3-piece bonus: +40% Burn Damage.
  • 4-piece bonus:
    Ortiz Incinerator Turret Prototype – The Incinerator Turret rotates 360 degrees. You are immune to your own Incinerator Turret's fire. The turret explodes upon being disabled.
  • Backpack Talent: Heatstroke – Provides +25% weapon damage to enemies set on fire by the Ortiz Incinerator Turret, and increases the turret's range by +25%.
  • Chest Talent: Chain Combustion – Enemies ignited by the Ortiz Incinerator Turret also ignite nearby enemies within a 2-meter radius.

19. Aegis

  • 2-piece bonus: +70% Health.
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Total Armor.
  • 4-piece bonus:
    Stoic – Grants +3% damage resistance for every enemy targeting you. This resistance is multiplied based on the number of agents in your group (1.X multiplier, where X is the number of agents).
  • Backpack Talent: Polyethylene Plating – Increases Stoic's damage resistance bonus from 3% to 4%.
  • Chest Talent: Deceit – Enemies targeting your Decoy will also count towards Stoic’s damage reduction bonus.

20. Breaking Point

  • 2-piece bonus: +25% Rifle Damage & +25% Marksman Rifle Damage.
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% Headshot Damage & +15% Weapon Handling.
  • 4-piece bonus:
    On Point – Landing a shot with a rifle or marksman rifle grants a stack. Reloading gives +2% weapon handling and +2% weapon damage per stack for 10 seconds. While these bonuses are active, no additional stacks are gained. The timer running out automatically refills your magazine.
    Switching weapons while the bonuses are active stops the effect and refills your magazine. Switching weapons while the bonuses are inactive removes all stacks and refills the magazine.
  • Backpack Talent: Point of Honor – Increases On Point's weapon damage bonus from 2% to 3%.
  • Chest Talent: Point of No Return – Increases On Point's bonus timer from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

Now that we’ve covered all the gear sets in Division 2, let’s move on to the brand sets.

Division 2 Brand Sets

How many brand sets are there in 2025?

As of 2025, there are currently 30 brand sets available in The Division 2. Just like gear sets, a new brand set is introduced with every season.

Division 2 Brand Set Bonuses

Unlike gear sets, where players benefit from up to four-piece bonuses, brand sets provide bonuses for up to three pieces. This means players can use up to three items from the same brand set to maximize the bonuses.

It’s generally better to fill the remaining equipment slots with other brand sets, gear sets, or exotic items rather than using more than three pieces from the same brand set. For example, equipping just one piece of the Grupo Sombra brand set unlocks the first of the three available bonuses.

Division 2 Brand Set Attributes

When it comes to core attributes, brand sets follow the same basic rules as gear sets. However, there's a significant difference when it comes to secondary attributes. Let me explain how this works. Both brand sets and gear sets share the same 12 possible secondary attributes, but the key difference is that brand sets drop with two secondary attributes, while gear sets only drop with one.

Why is this important?

This means that using brand sets in your loadout allows you to reach higher overall stats because you’ll effectively be missing 1 out of 6 potential secondary attributes when using a full gear set.

For DPS builds, this makes it much easier to reach the critical hit chance cap (60%) while maintaining high critical hit damage. How does this work? Since brand sets offer two secondary attributes per item, you can have both critical hit chance and critical hit damage on the same piece of gear. On the other hand, if you were using a gear set, each item would only provide one secondary attribute – meaning you'd have to choose between crit chance or crit damage, limiting your ability to optimize for both.

At first glance, it might seem pointless to ever consider using gear sets since they can always roll with just one attribute.

However, gear sets come with the advantage of four-piece bonuses that brand sets do not offer. So, while brand sets allow for higher flexibility in terms of attributes, gear sets provide powerful, unique four-piece bonuses that can be crucial for specific builds and playstyles.

Division 2 Brand Set Talents

When it comes to brand set talents, the situation is different compared to gear sets. Unlike the specific talents locked on the backpacks and chests of gear sets, brand sets do not follow this rule strictly.

You can still get unique talents on items from a brand set, but not necessarily on the backpacks or chests. In fact, ANY backpack or chest from a brand set can have a random talent that can be rerolled, but the named versions of these items will always come with a unique talent that cannot be changed or found elsewhere.

Example: Let’s take Belstone Armory's chest as an example. The regular version of this chest will have a random talent that you can reroll at the crafting station, but the named version (which might be called something like "Perfect Vanguard") will come with a specific, locked talent that provides powerful bonuses and cannot be rerolled. Below is a comparison of the regular and named versions of Belstone's chest, showcasing the difference between a typical talent (left) and a unique, locked talent (right).

This dual system gives players flexibility, as you can either choose the versatility of rerolling on a standard brand set piece or the power of a specific named item with a locked but potent talent.

Full List of Division 2 Brand Sets in 2025

Let's now take a comprehensive look at all the available brand sets in 2025. Each of these brand sets offers unique bonuses that cater to different playstyles, be it focusing on skill builds, tank builds, or pure damage.

  1. Providence Defense

    • 1-piece bonus: +15% Headshot Damage – Ideal for sniper builds or headshot-focused players who rely on high precision.
    • 2-piece bonus: +10% Critical Hit Chance – A valuable bonus for improving overall DPS by increasing the likelihood of landing critical hits.
    • 3-piece bonus: +15% Critical Hit Damage – Amplifies damage output from critical hits, making it a great set for DPS-centric loadouts.
  2. Uzina Getica

    • 1-piece bonus: +5% Total Armor – Enhances overall survivability by adding more protection.
    • 2-piece bonus: +10% Armor on Kill – Perfect for players who enjoy aggressive playstyles, as it rewards eliminations with additional armor recovery.
    • 3-piece bonus: +20% Hazard Protection – Provides essential resistance to status effects, useful in both PvE and PvP environments.
  3. Empress International

    • 1-piece bonus: +10% Skill Health – Great for skill builds, as it boosts the durability of deployable gadgets and turrets.
    • 2-piece bonus: +10% Skill Damage – A must-have for skill DPS builds that rely on drones, turrets, or seeker mines for their damage output.
    • 3-piece bonus: +10% Skill Efficiency – Provides a balanced boost to various aspects of skill performance, making this set a top pick for hybrid skill builds.
  4. Wyvern Wear

    • 1-piece bonus: +10% Skill Damage – Adds a valuable increase to any skill's offensive capability, perfect for skill-heavy builds.
    • 2-piece bonus: +15% Status Effects – Ideal for players who focus on applying debuffs such as burn, bleed, or shock.
    • 3-piece bonus: +40% Skill Duration – Ensures skills like pulse, traps, or firefly last much longer, providing extended utility in combat situations.
  5. Belstone Armory

    • 1-piece bonus: +1% Armor Regen – This slow, passive regeneration of armor is essential for tanky builds that prioritize staying in the fight.
    • 2-piece bonus: +10% Armor on Kill – Great for aggressive players who engage multiple enemies and want constant armor recovery.
    • 3-piece bonus: +40% Incoming Repairs – Increases the effectiveness of healing received from both skills and teammates, useful in group play.
  6. Alps Summit

    • 1-piece bonus: +20% Repair Skills – A critical bonus for healers or support builds that focus on keeping teammates alive.
    • 2-piece bonus: +30% Skill Duration – Lengthens the active time of healing or defensive skills, making them more reliable in longer engagements.
    • 3-piece bonus: +30% Skill Haste – Allows for faster cooldowns, letting you activate your skills more frequently.
  7. China Light Industries

    • 1-piece bonus: +15% Explosive Damage – Increases the potency of grenades, seeker mines, and sticky bombs, making it a top choice for demolitionist builds.
    • 2-piece bonus: +20% Skill Haste – Reduces skill cooldowns, providing more frequent use of skills.
    • 3-piece bonus: +20% Status Effects – Extends the duration of debuffs applied to enemies, such as burn or bleed, making it a good option for status-heavy builds.
  8. Palisade Steelworks

    • 1-piece bonus: +10% Armor on Kill – Perfect for aggressive builds that rely on eliminating enemies to maintain survivability.
    • 2-piece bonus: +60% Health – Significantly increases health, adding a buffer to incoming damage, especially for tanky characters.
    • 3-piece bonus: +1 Skill Tier – Elevates your overall skill tier, making your gadgets stronger and more effective.
  9. Brazos de Arcabuz

    • 1-piece bonus: +10% Skill Haste – Essential for skill-based builds that require faster skill cooldowns.
    • 2-piece bonus: +1 Skill Tier – Boosts overall skill performance, making this brand set invaluable for skill builds.
    • 3-piece bonus: +50% Magazine Size – Perfect for sustained DPS builds that benefit from fewer reloads during combat.
  10. Gila Guard

    • 1-piece bonus: +5% Total Armor – Adds extra survivability, making this set a great choice for tank builds.
    • 2-piece bonus: +60% Health – Provides a large health pool, allowing you to absorb more damage.
    • 3-piece bonus: +2% Armor Regen – Enhances passive armor recovery, keeping you alive longer in drawn-out fights.
  11. Fenris Group AB

    • 1-piece bonus: +10% Assault Rifle Damage – A staple for assault rifle users, giving a significant boost to overall damage.
    • 2-piece bonus: +30% Reload Speed – Allows for quicker reloads, keeping the pressure on enemies.
    • 3-piece bonus: +50% Weapon Stability – Reduces weapon recoil, making it easier to land consecutive shots.
  12. Petrov Defense Group

    • 1-piece bonus: +10% LMG Damage – Adds a powerful boost to light machine guns, making this a go-to for LMG builds.
    • 2-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Handling – Increases weapon stability and accuracy, making your shots more precise.
    • 3-piece bonus: +50% Ammo Capacity – Greatly increases ammo reserves, which is particularly helpful in long fights or when using high-ammo weapons like LMGs.
  13. Overlord Armaments

    • 1-piece bonus: +10% Rifle Damage – Provides a substantial boost to rifles, making it essential for rifle users.
    • 2-piece bonus: +30% Weapon Accuracy – Enhances overall weapon precision, helping you land more accurate shots.
    • 3-piece bonus: +30% Weapon Handling – Improves stability and reload speed, which is crucial for sustained engagements.
  14. Walker, Harris & Co

    • 1-piece bonus: +5% Weapon Damage – A flat boost to overall damage, making it useful for any build focused on pure DPS.
    • 2-piece bonus: +5% Damage to Armor – Helps tear through enemy armor, particularly valuable in PvE when fighting armored enemies.
    • 3-piece bonus: +10% Damage to Health – Increases damage dealt to unarmored enemies, making it versatile in both PvE and PvP environments.

All Division 2 Brand Sets in 2025

Here’s a detailed breakdown of all the available brand sets in Division 2 as of 2025, along with the specific bonuses each one offers. These sets are essential for players looking to maximize their build potential, whether focusing on offense, defense, or skill efficiency.

  1. Yaahl Gear
  • 1-piece bonus: +10% Hazard Protection – This helps you resist status effects such as burn, bleed, and shock, making it ideal for PvE or PvP scenarios where enemies frequently use status-inflicting weapons.
  • 2-piece bonus: +5% Weapon Damage – A solid all-around boost that works for any damage-based build, enhancing your total weapon damage.
  • 3-piece bonus: +40% Pulse Resistance – This makes you significantly more resistant to pulse effects, great for countering pulse-based builds in PvP.
  1. Electrique
  • 1-piece bonus: +10% Status Effects – Increases the potency of any status effects you apply, such as shock or burn, making it essential for builds centered around skills that inflict status ailments.
  • 2-piece bonus: +20% Shock Resistance – Useful for resisting shock effects from enemies, giving you an edge in situations where shock weapons or traps are prevalent.
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% SMG Damage – Boosts the damage output of submachine guns, making it a must-have for players who rely on SMGs for fast-paced, close-quarter combat.
  1. Hana-U
  • 1-piece bonus: +10% Skill Haste – Speeds up your skill cooldowns, allowing you to use abilities more frequently in combat.
  • 2-piece bonus: +10% Skill Damage – Enhances the damage of your skills, making it a top choice for skill-based builds that focus on maximizing damage output from skills like turrets or drones.
  • 3-piece bonus: +10% Weapon Damage – A versatile bonus that increases your overall weapon damage, adding flexibility to this skill-based brand set.
  1. Murakami Industries
  • 1-piece bonus: +20% Skill Duration – Increases the active time of your skills, such as turrets or drones, allowing them to stay in action longer.
  • 2-piece bonus: +30% Repair Skills – A great choice for support builds, as it significantly boosts the healing power of your repair abilities.
  • 3-piece bonus: +20% Skill Damage – Further enhances the offensive power of your skills, making this a well-rounded set for skill-focused builds.
  1. Richter & Kaiser
  • 1-piece bonus: +20% Incoming Repairs – Increases the amount of healing you receive, which is valuable in both solo and team-based play for improved survivability.
  • 2-piece bonus: +25% Explosive Resistance – Reduces the damage you take from explosives, making it useful for dealing with grenade-spamming enemies or bosses.
  • 3-piece bonus: +40% Repair Skills – A major boost to your repair skills, ideal for healer or support builds that rely on keeping the team alive.
  1. 5.11 Tactical
  • 1-piece bonus: +30% Health – Significantly increases your overall health, providing better survivability, particularly for tank builds.
  • 2-piece bonus: +20% Incoming Repairs – Enhances the healing you receive from skills or allies, making this a solid choice for support roles or builds that need extra survivability.
  • 3-piece bonus: +20% Hazard Protection – Further protects you from status effects, making this brand set versatile for both PvE and PvP.
  1. Badger Tuff
  • 1-piece bonus: +10% Shotgun Damage – Perfect for players who prefer close-range combat with shotguns, giving a direct damage increase.
  • 2-piece bonus: +5% Total Armor – Adds a small but valuable boost to your overall armor, improving survivability.
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Armor on Kill – Restores armor with every kill, making it an excellent option for aggressive, close-quarters playstyles.
  1. Golan Gear
  • 1-piece bonus: +10% Status Effects – Increases the effectiveness of status-based abilities, making it useful for skill-heavy builds.
  • 2-piece bonus: +1.5% Armor Regen – Provides passive armor regeneration, which is helpful for both tank and hybrid builds.
  • 3-piece bonus: +10% Total Armor – Increases your overall armor, contributing to your tankiness and overall durability.
  1. Habsburg Guard
  • 1-piece bonus: +15% Headshot Damage – A must-have for precision-based builds that rely on headshots for maximum damage.
  • 2-piece bonus: +20% Marksman Rifle Damage – Enhances the effectiveness of sniper rifles and other long-range weapons.
  • 3-piece bonus: +20% Status Effects – Further boosts status effects, making it a well-rounded set for hybrid damage and status builds.
  1. Lengmo
  • 1-piece bonus: +20% Explosive Resistance – Ideal for mitigating damage from grenades and other explosive attacks.
  • 2-piece bonus: +25% Skill Health – Increases the health of your skills, making them more durable and effective in longer fights.
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% LMG Damage – Adds significant firepower for players using light machine guns, making this set great for sustained DPS builds.
  1. Ceska Vyroba
  • 1-piece bonus: +10% Critical Hit Chance – Increases your crit chance, making it essential for high-DPS builds.
  • 2-piece bonus: +10% Hazard Protection – Offers some protection against environmental hazards and status effects.
  • 3-piece bonus: +90% Health – Drastically boosts your health, making this set perfect for surviving longer in tough fights.
  1. Douglas & Harding
  • 1-piece bonus: +20% Pistol Damage – Ideal for pistol-based builds or players who rely heavily on their sidearms.
  • 2-piece bonus: +30% Weapon Stability – Reduces weapon recoil, improving accuracy and making it easier to land shots.
  • 3-piece bonus: +50% Weapon Accuracy – Greatly improves precision, especially with long-range weapons or high-recoil guns.
  1. Grupo Sombra
  • 1-piece bonus: +15% Critical Hit Damage – Adds a strong damage boost to crit-based builds.
  • 2-piece bonus: +20% Explosives Damage – Excellent for demolition builds that rely on grenades or other explosive abilities.
  • 3-piece bonus: +15% Headshot Damage – Increases the damage dealt with headshots, making it a solid choice for sniper or precision-based builds.
  1. Airaldi Holdings
  • 1-piece bonus: +10% Marksman Rifle Damage – Perfect for sniper builds, increasing damage with long-range weapons.
  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Headshot Damage – Further boosts your headshot damage, amplifying your precision-based play.
  • 3-piece bonus: +5% Damage to Armor – Makes it easier to break through enemy armor, which is essential in higher-tier content.
  1. Sokolov Concern
  • 1-piece bonus: +10% SMG Damage – Increases the damage output of submachine guns, a must-have for SMG-focused builds.
  • 2-piece bonus: +15% Critical Hit Damage – Adds more power to crit-based builds, maximizing your damage potential.
  • 3-piece bonus: +10% Critical Hit Chance – Completes a crit-heavy build, making it easier to hit high-damage critical shots.
  1. Zwiadowka
  • 1-piece bonus: +15% Magazine Size – Provides extra rounds, which is crucial for sustained DPS and minimizing reload downtime.
  • 2-piece bonus: +20% Rifle Damage – Adds a significant damage increase for rifles, improving performance in both PvE and PvP.
  • 3-piece bonus: +30% Weapon Handling – Boosts overall weapon control, improving accuracy and stability for better performance in combat.

Division 2 Gear Sets vs. Brand Sets

Are gear sets better than brand sets in Division 2? The answer isn’t as straightforward as a simple yes or no. It’s largely a matter of personal preference, experience, and specific build goals. Some players will argue in favor of gear sets, while others prefer brand sets, and some see value in combining both. Let's break down the key differences and considerations to help clarify this ongoing debate.

1. Gear Set vs. Brand Set Talents

In Division 2, gear sets come with three unique talents: a 4-piece bonus, chest talent, and backpack talent. On the other hand, brand sets have two named items that come with "Perfect" talents, offering slightly better attributes. Depending on your build, there are cases where the talents from gear sets can outperform those from brand sets. However, more often than not, the perfect attributes from brand set named items can provide more consistent damage or utility in specific scenarios.

2. Brand Sets Have One Extra Secondary Attribute

When comparing attributes, brand sets are superior because they offer an additional secondary attribute on each gear slot. For instance, in a critical hit damage (crit DPS) build, using brand sets, you could roll 6x Critical Hit Chance and 6x Critical Hit Damage, resulting in a total of 12 crit rolls. In contrast, a gear set would only give you a total of six rolls, meaning a lot of crit attributes would be missing. This extra attribute is often a game-changer in high-performance builds.

3. Brand Sets Lead to Higher Build Diversity

Another advantage of brand sets is their flexibility. To unlock the full potential of a brand set, you only need three items, whereas gear sets require four pieces to unlock their final set bonus. This extra "free" slot allows for more creativity and combination with exotic or other brand set items, enhancing the diversity of possible builds.

4. RNG and Specific Stats (God Rolls and Hybrids)

When hunting for specific stats and god rolls, it's generally easier to get the desired attributes on a gear set item compared to a brand set. The extra attribute on brand set items increases the random number generation (RNG) difficulty. If you're going for a chest or backpack with specific attributes, it becomes even more challenging because you need the right core attribute, the two secondary attributes, and the talent.

To get a god-rolled item, you’ll need to drop an item with three out of four desired attributes and then reroll the final one. With gear sets, you only need to focus on the core attribute and one secondary attribute, as their unique talents are fixed and cannot be recalibrated. This makes achieving a god-roll easier with gear sets.

Conclusion: Gear Sets vs. Brand Sets in Division 2

Considering all the points above, the preference for gear sets or brand sets will depend on your build, goals, and the level of RNG you're willing to deal with. Gear sets can offer powerful synergies with fixed talents but lack the versatility of brand sets when it comes to attributes. Brand sets, on the other hand, provide greater flexibility and allow for higher damage potential through their additional attribute slots.

So, after reviewing these aspects, what’s your opinion now? Do you prefer gear sets or brand sets in Division 2?

Combining Multiple Division 2 Gear Sets

You can combine different gear sets and brand sets to optimize your build. Let’s explore how.

How Many Gear Sets Can You Use at a Time in Division 2?

You can equip up to six different items from either gear sets or brand sets. While technically possible to use one item from six different sets, it’s generally not practical. The key to building a functional loadout is ensuring that items synergize well together, which usually means using several pieces from the same set to unlock bonuses.

The Power of the NinjaBike Messenger Bag

In 2023, combining gear and brand sets became much easier with the introduction of the NinjaBike Messenger Bag. This exotic backpack allows you to unlock extra set bonuses, enabling players to mix and match different sets more effectively. Its talent, Resourceful, allows it to count as a piece of any equipped gear set or brand set, unlocking bonuses from multiple sets simultaneously.

Here’s an example build using the NinjaBike Messenger Bag:

  • 2 pieces of Providence Defense for Critical Hit Chance and Damage bonuses.
  • 2 pieces of Fenris Group for Assault Rifle damage.
  • 1 piece of Overlord Armaments for Rifle damage.
  • The NinjaBike Messenger Bag completes the bonus unlocks for all of the above sets, resulting in a high synergy build with maximum output for both assault rifles and rifles.

This flexibility makes the NinjaBike a powerful tool for creative builds.

The loadout features the Ninja Backpack, alongside 1 piece each from Petrov, Overlord, and Uzina, as well as 2 pieces from Brazos. In the following screenshots, you'll see how the character gains the extra +1 set bonus across all sets, thanks to the Ninja Backpack's effect.

You see? Even though there’s only one Petrov, Uzina, and Overlord brand set item equipped, you still receive the 2-piece bonus for all of these sets. Likewise, with only 2 Brazos brand set items (mask and holster) equipped, the character benefits from the 3-piece bonus, all thanks to the Ninja Backpack's unique effect.

Now that you're familiar with how to get and combine gear sets, it’s time to discuss how to modify them. In the following section, we’ll walk you through the basics of crafting, recalibrating, and optimizing Division 2 gear and brand sets.

Division 2 Gear Sets Crafting

Can you craft gear sets or brand sets?
Yes, in Division 2, it’s possible to craft both gear sets and brand sets at the Crafting Station, but not every set can be crafted. To craft a specific set item, you first need to unlock its blueprint. In the screenshots below, you can see the crafting window for both brand set masks (on the left) and gear set masks (on the right):

How to get gear set and brand set blueprints?

In The Division 2, you can acquire gear set and brand set blueprints through a variety of activities, including:

  • Completing projects
  • Completing missions
  • Completing raids
  • Advancing through season tracks

These activities offer a chance to obtain blueprints, allowing you to craft gear and brand set items at the Crafting Station once you've unlocked them.

Recalibrating Division 2 Gear Sets

Can you recalibrate gear sets or brand sets?
Yes, you can recalibrate both gear sets and brand sets in The Division 2. However, keep in mind that you can only recalibrate one attribute per item, so it's important to choose carefully.

To start the recalibration process, follow these steps:

  1. Select the item you want to recalibrate.
  2. Use the Tinkering feature to open the recalibration menu.
  3. Click on the attribute you'd like to replace.
  4. Find the desired replacement from your recalibration library.
  5. Hit "Select to Recalibrate" to apply the changes.

It’s a straightforward process but can make a significant difference in optimizing your build.

Important Note: Keep in mind that gear set talents and "Perfect" talents found on named brand set items cannot be recalibrated, so those specific attributes are locked and cannot be changed.

Optimizing Division 2 Gear Sets

Can you optimize gear sets or brand sets?

Yes, in The Division 2, gear sets and brand sets can be optimized at the Tinkering Station. This allows you to gradually enhance the attributes of your gear until they reach maximum stats. To start optimizing, simply select the attribute you'd like to improve and make sure you have all the necessary resources (check the "Cost to Optimize" section for details).

Every attribute, including the core attribute, can be optimized. The only exception is the talent, which is locked at a fixed value and cannot be further upgraded.

Before we conclude our guide, there's one more aspect left: showcasing the best sets to use in different scenarios.

Best Division 2 Gear Sets & Brand Sets in 2024

Best Division 2 Gear Sets in 2024:

  • Striker's Battlegear
  • Heartbreaker
  • Umbra Initiative
  • Hunter's Fury
  • Negotiator's Dilemma
  • Hotshot
  • Rigger
  • Eclipse Protocol
  • Future Initiative
  • Foundry Bulwark

Best Division 2 Brand Sets in 2024:

  • Providence
  • Uzina Getica
  • Empress
  • Wyvern
  • Belstone
  • Alps Summit
  • China Light
  • Palisade Steelworks
  • Brazos de Arcabuz
  • Gila Guard
  • Fenris
  • Petrov
  • Overlord
  • Walker, Harris & Co

Best Division 2 Gear Sets for Solo Players:

  • Striker's Battlegear
  • Heartbreaker
  • Hunter's Fury
  • Umbra Initiative
  • Negotiator's Dilemma
  • Rigger
  • Eclipse Protocol

Best Division 2 Brand Sets for Solo Players:

  • Providence
  • Uzina Getica
  • Empress
  • Wyvern
  • Belstone
  • Gila Guard
  • Brazos de Arcabuz
  • Fenris
  • Petrov
  • Overlord
  • Walker, Harris & Co

Best Division 2 Gear Sets and Brand Sets for Legendary Content:

  • Striker's Battlegear
  • Heartbreaker
  • Negotiator's Dilemma
  • Foundry Bulwark
  • Rigger
  • Providence
  • Empress
  • Wyvern

Best Division 2 Gear Sets and Brand Sets for PvP:

  • Striker's Battlegear
  • Heartbreaker
  • Umbra Initiative
  • Belstone
  • Providence
  • Uzina Getica
  • Empress
  • Walker, Harris & Co

Division 2 Gear Sets - F.A.Q

  1. What is the most popular gear set in Division 2 in 2025?
    The most popular gear set in Division 2 in 2025 is Striker's Battlegear.

  2. What is the most popular brand set in Division 2 in 2025?
    The most popular brand set in Division 2 in 2025 is the Providence set.

  3. Where do you get sets in The Division 2?
    You can get gear sets through various sources such as Countdown, Summit, open-world activities, vendors, caches, crafting, and more.

  4. Can you craft gear sets or brand sets in Division 2?
    Yes, both brand & gear sets can be crafted at the Crafting Station.

  5. Can you upgrade gear sets in Division 2?
    Yes, you can recalibrate and optimize gear sets using the Tinkering Station.

  6. Are gear sets better than brand sets in Division 2?
    Gear sets and brand sets are equally powerful depending on the build and purpose.


This guide wraps up everything you need to know about Division 2 gear sets and brand sets in 2025. Keep in mind that everything presented is subjective based on personal experience. Your preferences may differ, and that's completely valid!

Now that you’ve read through this guide, we hope you understand how sets work and what your best options are for building your end-game characters.

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If you're struggling to put together the perfect build or don’t have time for all the grinding, no worries! At Dving, we offer professional Division 2 boosting services, helping players worldwide achieve their goals and enjoy the game to the fullest. Skip the grind, Agent, and dive into the endgame faster!

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