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Paradise Lost Incursion Guide


Welcome to our comprehensive Paradise Lost Incursion Guide for The Division 2, Agent! This guide is your go-to resource for navigating the newly introduced Paradise Lost Incursion, the very first of its kind in The Division 2. We’ll begin by going over the essential details, such as how to access the incursion, what challenges await you, and the overall mission length, including the intricacies of its encounters and bosses.

Once we've covered the basics, we’ll take a deeper look at the rewards available from completing this incursion, including the full loot table and exclusive drops specific to the Paradise Lost Incursion. Additionally, we’ll share expert strategies and tips, along with recommended builds to help you successfully conquer this new content with ease.

Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned player, by the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to dominate the Paradise Lost Incursion and reap the rewards. Ready for a new adventure, Agent? Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Here are the main points we will cover in our Paradise Lost Incursion Guide for The Division 2:

  • What is the Paradise Lost Incursion?
  • How to access the Paradise Lost Incursion
  • Paradise Lost Incursion Difficulty
  • Paradise Lost Bosses, Encounters & Mechanics
  • Paradise Lost Incursion Length
  • Paradise Lost Rewards, Drops & Loot Table
  • Mastering the incursion: Pro Tips & Tricks
  • Best Builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion
  • Final Thoughts

What is the Paradise Lost in Division 2?

As we’ve already mentioned, Paradise Lost is the first-ever incursion to be introduced in The Division 2. But what exactly is an incursion, and how does it differ from other missions in the game? Let’s explore what incursions are all about in The Division 2.

Definition of Division 2 Incursions

In The Division 2, Incursions are designed as high-stakes, endgame PvE missions that challenge a team of four players to face off against a specific enemy faction. These missions are a true test of teamwork and coordination, requiring players to work together to overcome increasingly difficult encounters.

The concept of incursions was first introduced in The Division 1, where they became some of the most beloved, challenging, and engaging content. For those who played the original game, incursions such as Falcon Lost, Clear Sky, Dragon's Nest, and Stolen Signal pushed teams to their limits with mechanics that were more complex and difficult than traditional missions. Now, six years later, we finally see the first incursion in The Division 2 with Paradise Lost.

There were four total incursions in The Division 1, with the first, Falcon Lost, debuting in April 2016, and the final incursion, Stolen Signal, launching in February 2017. Now, in 2023, the Paradise Lost Incursion has brought this beloved gameplay experience to The Division 2.

Paradise Lost Incursion Release Date

Paradise Lost made its debut on October 3rd, 2023, as part of Season 2 in The Division 2’s Year 5.

Why should you play the Paradise Lost Incursion?

What makes the Paradise Lost Incursion special? Well, if you’re a fan of PvE content that requires tight teamwork and coordination, this incursion is a must-play. Unlike regular missions that can often be soloed, even on higher difficulties, or raids that demand the coordination of eight players, incursions hit the sweet spot of being a tough challenge for teams of four.

Moreover, Paradise Lost offers exclusive rewards, including the Ouroboros Exotic SMG—an extremely sought-after weapon that can only be acquired by completing this incursion.

How to access the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2

Accessing the Paradise Lost Incursion is straightforward, just like other endgame content in The Division 2. You can enter the incursion from the in-game menu, directly through the map, or by talking to the helicopter pilot at the Base of Operations.

Let’s break down these access methods in more detail:

Paradise Lost Incursion Location and Entrance

If you're curious about the location of the Paradise Lost Incursion on the map, you'll find it in the Meret Estate zone. This area is situated between the DZ West Dark Zone and the teleport point to New York City.

Paradise Lost Incursion Requirements

Now that you know how to access the Paradise Lost Incursion, let’s dive into the specific requirements that must be met to be eligible for this game mode.

Who can play the Paradise Lost Incursion?

The Paradise Lost Incursion is available on all platforms for anyone who has a character that’s reached level 40 and completed the story mode.

Is the Paradise Lost Incursion free-to-play?

Yes, the Paradise Lost Incursion is completely free for everyone. It is part of the Year 5 Season 2 free content and is not gated behind the Premium Season Pass. You don’t need to buy any additional content from the Ubisoft Store to unlock it.

Does the Paradise Lost Incursion require the Warlords of New York DLC?

Yes, you need to own the Warlords of New York expansion and have a level 40 character to gain access to the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2.

Can you play the Paradise Lost Incursion solo in Division 2?

Yes, while you can start the mission solo, you cannot complete it alone due to the difficulty and specific mechanics of the incursion.

It’s specifically designed for a 4-player team composition. Don’t worry if you don’t have a team ready. There are ways to find teammates, such as matchmaking, joining communities, clans, or even utilizing the general chat.

To answer the question "Can you complete the Paradise Lost Incursion solo?"—the short answer is NO. What about with 2 players? While it’s technically possible, it would be extremely difficult.

Paradise Lost Incursion Matchmaking

Wondering if there’s matchmaking for the incursion? Yes, there is! You can use matchmaking for the Paradise Lost Incursion, which is great news for players who don’t have a dedicated team.

How can you matchmake for the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2?

To start matchmaking for the incursion, open the map, hover over the location, and press “G” to join the matchmaking queue. Alternatively, you can start matchmaking directly from the "Matchmake" tab, or fast-travel to the location and activate the matchmaking option there.

Paradise Lost Incursion Difficulty

Now that we’re diving deeper into the Paradise Lost Incursion, let’s talk about one of the most important factors: its difficulty.

How hard is the Paradise Lost Incursion?

In my experience, the difficulty level of Paradise Lost is comparable to that of legendary strongholds. However, it includes more intricate mechanics that require a minimum of two players, unlike regular missions that can often be handled solo.

Is the Paradise Lost Incursion available on multiple difficulties?

No, like raids, the Paradise Lost Incursion only comes with one difficulty level. There are no scaled options for harder or easier versions of the incursion.

Does difficulty matter or scale in Paradise Lost Incursion?

No, the difficulty in Paradise Lost remains the same regardless of the number of players in the team. That said, tackling it with a full four-player squad will be far easier and faster than trying it with fewer people.

Now that we’ve covered the difficulty, let’s move on to the exciting part: the bosses, encounters, and mechanics you’ll face in the Paradise Lost Incursion.

Paradise Lost Bosses, Encounters & Mechanics

As mentioned earlier, incursions are designed to be more intricate and complex than standard missions, and Paradise Lost is no exception. It brings multiple bosses and encounters, each featuring its own set of unique mechanics.

Who is the enemy faction in the Paradise Lost Incursion?

The enemy faction you’ll be up against in Paradise Lost is none other than The Cleaners, so be prepared for plenty of fire-related hazards. Now, let's take a closer look at the incursion’s bosses.

Paradise Lost Incursion Bosses

As with any mission in The Division 2, Paradise Lost has a variety of enemy types: from regular mobs to elites, and of course, bosses.

How many bosses are there in the Paradise Lost Incursion?

There are a total of four bosses in the Paradise Lost Incursion: 1 miniboss (Moss) and 3 main bosses (Wright, Martinez, Johnson). Each boss comes with its own unique mechanics and special abilities. But who do you think is the ultimate boss of this incursion? A familiar face from the original story or someone completely new?

Who is the final boss in the Paradise Lost Incursion?

Interestingly, the final encounter features not one but two bosses, affectionately called "Lovebirds," and their names are Martinez and Johnson. In the next part of our guide, we’ll break down each encounter, the mechanics involved, and the strategies you should employ for a smooth victory. Get ready to take notes, Agent!

Paradise Lost Encounters & Mechanics

How many encounters are there in the Paradise Lost Incursion? The Paradise Lost Incursion features a total of four encounters:

  • Encounter #1: Destroy the Turrets
  • Encounter #2: Protect the Oil Tanker
  • Encounter #3: Wright Boss Encounter
  • Encounter #4: Lovebirds Boss Encounter

How to complete the Turrets Encounter in Paradise Lost

  • Team Composition: 3x DPS + 1x Heal/Tank
  • Use Decoys to distract the turrets.
  • Focus on one turret at a time. If you have the Regulus, use it to one-shot the turret.
  • One DPS player should climb the ledge and take down the turret.
  • The rest of the team handles clearing the adds.
  • Once the first turret is destroyed, move on to the second turret and repeat the process.
  • Clear the area, and proceed to the next section.
  • Shortcut: Use the Oxidizer or Shock to deactivate the turrets so they stop firing at you.

How to complete the Tanker Oil Encounter in Paradise Lost

  • Team Composition: 3x DPS + 1x Heal/Tank
  • Split up around the area to cover different enemy spawn points.
  • Only the enemies with marks above their heads will damage the oil tanker, so prioritize them.
  • Focus on taking out the mini-gunners and snipers, as they deal the most damage to the tanker.
  • Target their weak spots to eliminate them faster.
  • When the drones appear, focus fire on them; they deal heavy damage. Use Jammer Pulse to help.
  • Clear the next two waves of enemies, then gather at the door on the stairs.
  • When the door opens, take down the boss immediately, as they will be attacking the tanker with a minigun.
  • Once the boss breaks through the door, enter the room, shoot the boss's weak spot on its back, and aim for headshots to finish them off.

How to complete the Wright Boss Encounter in Paradise Lost

  • Team Composition: 3x DPS + 1x Heal/Tank
  • Use callouts for the four areas: Bar, Stage, Dance Floor, Seating Area.
  • Each valve corresponds to one of these areas, with drawings near each valve indicating which one controls which area.
  • Two players should focus on handling the boss while the others manage the adds.
  • The tank should kite the boss under the sprinklers to make it vulnerable to damage.
  • Watch the pressure gauges when using a valve to avoid overheating.
  • Team 1 coordinates to stun and cool down the boss in a specific area.
  • Once the DPS phase begins, everyone attacks the boss and clears adds.
  • Avoid standing in the purple smoke on the floor, as it deals significant damage.
  • Repeat this process until Wright is defeated.
  • Shortcut: As soon as Wright appears, use the Regulus Pistol and Dodge City Holster to one-shot him!

How to complete the Final Boss "Lovebirds" Encounter in Paradise Lost

  • Team Composition: 3x DPS + 1x Healer
  • Start by focusing damage on Martinez until it summons the drone.
  • When the drone appears, all players should prioritize destroying it immediately.
  • Continue attacking the bosses, prioritizing Johnson.
  • Be cautious of sniper turrets, and destroy them as soon as possible.
  • During the mortar phase, keep moving in circles to avoid getting hit.
  • Repeat the process, paying extra attention to the drone.
  • When Johnson tries to deploy a healing station, take it out as fast as possible.
  • If the healing station isn't destroyed in time, the bosses will heal, making the fight much harder.
  • Repeat these steps until both bosses are defeated.
  • Shortcut: During the first DPS phase, use the Regulus Pistol and Dodge City Holster to one-shot Johnson, then finish off Martinez.
  • After the fight, head inside the house and loot the chest. Good luck with the Ouroboros drop!

Follow these strategies, and your team should have no problem completing the encounters in Paradise Lost.

How hard is the final encounter in the Paradise Lost Incursion?
If your team is well-coordinated and everyone understands the mechanics, the final encounter in the Paradise Lost Incursion isn't as challenging as it might seem. The key to success lies in using a solid healer build and ensuring that the team carefully handles the drone and prioritizes the bosses based on the callouts. By sticking to the strategy and maintaining team coordination, the encounter becomes much more manageable.

This wraps up everything you need to know about the bosses and encounters in The Division 2’s Paradise Lost Incursion. Exciting, right?

How long is the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2?
Now that you’ve got an idea of what to expect in each phase, let’s take a look at how long it generally takes to complete the Paradise Lost Incursion.

Paradise Lost Incursion Length
If you're wondering, "How long does it take to finish the Paradise Lost Incursion?", the answer depends on your team’s coordination, skill level, and the builds you’re using. On average, completing a run should take about 30 minutes. However, speedrunners using optimized meta builds have managed to finish the entire incursion in just 6-10 minutes!

Paradise Lost Incursion Leaderboard
Does the Paradise Lost Incursion feature a leaderboard? Yes! For those who enjoy speedrunning and competing with other teams, there is indeed a leaderboard that tracks the completion times for this exciting new activity.

Moving forward, let's discuss one of the most important aspects of the incursion: the rewards you can earn by completing the Paradise Lost mission.

Paradise Lost Incursion Rewards, Drops & Loot Table
What rewards can you expect from the Paradise Lost Incursion? Completing this mission will grant you several rewards, such as XP, currency, crafting materials, and items. However, the most coveted prize is the chance to obtain the exclusive incursion weapon: the Ouroboros Exotic Submachine Gun.

The Ouroboros Exotic SMG
The Ouroboros is a highly sought-after exotic SMG that drops only in the Paradise Lost Incursion. Its incredible attributes, mods, and unique talent make it one of the top-tier weapons in the current meta:

  • RPM: 1485
  • Magazine: 50
  • Core attribute #1: SMG Damage
  • Core attribute #2: Critical Hit Chance
  • Attribute: Random
  • Optic Mod: +10.0% Critical Hit Damage
  • Magazine Mod: +25.0% Reload Speed
  • Underbarrel Mod: +10.0% Critical Hit Chance
  • Muzzle Mod: +10.0% Rate of Fire

The Ouroboros boasts the exotic talent "Rule Them All": When the agent has a Status Effect applied to them, 50% of the ammo in their next magazine will apply the same Status Effect to their targets. This effect only triggers during combat.

Is it worth farming for the Ouroboros SMG in the Paradise Lost Incursion?
Absolutely! If you enjoy close-combat playstyles in The Division 2, the Ouroboros SMG is arguably the best-in-slot weapon for most builds. Its high RPM and unique talent "Rule Them All" have made it one of the meta-defining weapons in Season 2, both for PvE and PvP.

What is the fastest way to get the Ouroboros Exotic SMG?
The quickest way to obtain the Ouroboros Exotic SMG is to run the Paradise Lost Incursion weekly across multiple characters. It helps to be in a team willing to share the drop if someone gets it.

Other rewards from the Paradise Lost Incursion – Loot Table
Upon completing the Paradise Lost Incursion for the first time, you will receive the following rewards:

  • 315,600 XP
  • Wright Patch
  • The "Lovebirds" Patch
  • Meret Estate Cypher Fragment
  • Unmarked SHD Supplies

Additionally, on your first run of the week, you will receive a random exotic item. To maximize your rewards, it’s recommended to run the Paradise Lost Incursion on all your characters every week, increasing your chances of earning the Ouroboros SMG as well as other exotic items.

Paradise Lost Incursion Collectibles and Commendations

For all the collectors out there, new collectibles and commendations will be available in the Paradise Lost Incursion. As with other activities in The Division 2, you can track them down by navigating through the in-game menu.

Paradise Lost Incursion Farming

Is the Paradise Lost Incursion a time-gated or repeatable activity? Can you play it multiple times? The answer is yes. You can replay the Paradise Lost Incursion as many times as you like during the current week. However, the weekly rewards are locked behind a cooldown, which resets every Tuesday as usual.

Can you farm the Paradise Lost Incursion?

Yes, you can farm the Paradise Lost Incursion in The Division 2. But the question is, is it worth it? The answer is yes, especially if you're aiming to get the exclusive exotic weapon, the Ouroboros SMG, or if you're seeking the unique experience the incursion offers.

Targeted Loot Feature in Paradise Lost Incursion

Is there a targeted loot feature in the Paradise Lost Incursion?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. The Paradise Lost Incursion wasn’t designed with a targeted loot system. This means you cannot specifically farm for certain gear within this incursion. Moving on, let’s cover some tips and tricks to help you succeed in this challenging mission.

Mastering the Paradise Lost Incursion: Pro Tips & Tricks

Here are some early tips to help you have a smoother experience in the Paradise Lost Incursion:

  1. Ensure the group leader sets the world difficulty to NORMAL.
  2. Use Regulus Pistols and Dodge City Holster if you have them!
  3. Equip Scorpio Shotguns; they provide a huge advantage.
  4. Reviver Hives are essential for keeping your team alive.
  5. Decoys can distract enemies and turrets, making your job easier.
  6. Striker Builds are highly recommended for this incursion.
  7. Keep in mind, the Paradise Lost Incursion is more about mechanics than raw DPS, so focus on strategy!

As more players tackle this incursion and learn its mechanics, we’ll be updating this guide with additional tips and strategies to make the experience even smoother. Good luck with the final chest!

Paradise Lost Cheese, Glitches, and Exploits

It's inevitable that some players will attempt to "bend the rules" and use unconventional methods to speed up the completion of the incursion, much like what happened with the incursions in Division 1. However, these shortcuts come with certain risks. Is it really worth it?

Important Note: We strongly advise against using cheese tactics, glitches, or exploit mechanics. Play the game as intended and keep your account safe!

Paradise Lost Incursion Cheese Strategies

So, what exactly is a "cheese" strategy in gaming? It refers to the use of an overly powerful skill or the exploitation of a game mechanic to secure an easy victory.

In the Paradise Lost Incursion, for example, this could involve taking advantage of a particularly overpowered skill, weapon, or talent to defeat a boss or clear an encounter far more quickly and easily than usual.

Are there cheese tactics available for the Paradise Lost Incursion? Yes, for instance, using the overpowered Regulus Pistol can one-shot bosses. However, we strongly recommend that you avoid relying on such methods. Using them without proper skills or gear might result in wasted time and isn't worth the risk.

Can you get banned for using cheese tactics in the Paradise Lost Incursion?

Most likely not. However, developers are quick to patch such cheese tactics, and while they generally don't ban players for using them, it's always possible to face rollbacks or other penalties.

Paradise Lost Glitches & Exploits

Using glitches or exploits to complete the Paradise Lost Incursion can result in a ban. You also need to be mindful of your teammates. If someone in your group is exploiting glitches or bugs, you could be at risk too.

If you notice someone using unintended game advantages, it's best to leave the group immediately to avoid potential consequences.

Always play the game as it was designed, avoid glitches, and don't take the chance of getting your account banned.

What to do if you're struggling in the Paradise Lost Incursion?

If you're finding the incursion too challenging, consider looking for detailed guides, double-check the mechanics, or try improving your build. You could also look for more experienced teammates to help you succeed.

Best Builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2

In this section, we'll cover the most effective builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion. Ready to get started?

The optimal combination of builds for this incursion typically includes one Tank, one Healer, and two DPS-focused players. However, if your team is experienced, you can go with three DPS players and one Healer or Tank. Below, we provide examples for each role:

DPS Build for the Paradise Lost Incursion

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 FAMAS or Carbine 7 with Fast Hands, Measured, or Optimist talent
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio Shotgun
Specialization Gunner
Gear Configuration 4x Striker + Coyote's Mask + 1x Ceska, Gruppo, or Fenris Chest
Chest Talent Obliterate
Backpack Talent Risk Management (from Striker backpack)
Skill Slot #1 Crusader Ballistic Shield
Skill Slot #2 Reviver Hive
Core Attribute Full red build (focused on weapon damage rolls)
Gear Rolls Critical hit chance & Critical hit damage
Gear Mods Critical hit chance & Critical hit damage

Screenshots (examples):

Alternative Options: You can swap to the St. Elmo's Assault Rifle with either ACS-12 or Rock n' Roll Shotguns for versatility. Additionally, you can pair the Striker chest with Fox's Prayer boots, depending on your playstyle and team strategy.

Healer Build for the Paradise Lost Incursion

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Designated Hitter with "Perfect Reformation" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio Shotgun
Specialization Survivalist
Gear Configuration 4x Future Initiative + BTSU Datagloves + 1x Murakami or Hana-U
Chest Talent Technical Superiority (from Future Initiative Chest)
Backpack Talent Strategic Combat Support (from Future Initiative Backpack)
Skill Slot #1 Reinforcer Chem Launcher
Skill Slot #2 Restorer Hive
Core Attribute Full yellow build (max skill tiers)
Gear Rolls Repair Skills & Skill Haste
Gear Mods Repair Skills

Screenshots (examples):

Tank Build for the Paradise Lost Incursion

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Liberty Pistol
Weapon Slot #2 Assault Rifle or SMG
Specialization Demolitionist
Gear Configuration 4x Foundry Bulwark + Tardigrade Chest + 1x Belstone
Chest Talent Ablative Nano-Plating (from Tardigrade Chest)
Backpack Talent Process Refinery (from Foundry Bulwark Backpack)
Skill Slot #1 Bulwark Ballistic Shield
Skill Slot #2 Reviver Hive
Core Attribute Full blue build (focused on maximum armor)
Gear Rolls Armor Regen or Explosive Resistance
Gear Mods Protection From Elites

Screenshots (examples):

This wraps up our recommendations for the best builds to tackle the Paradise Lost Incursion with ease and success. Feel free to adapt and tweak these builds based on your team’s strategy and needs. Remember, there’s no single “best” build—find what works for your playstyle and group composition!

Paradise Lost Incursion - F.A.Q

1. What are Incursions in Division 2?

In Division 2, incursions are 4-player challenging missions, similar to mini-raids, that feature unique encounters, bosses, and mechanics. These missions require coordination and teamwork to complete successfully.

2. How do you access Paradise Lost in Division 2?

You can access the Paradise Lost Incursion from the map, by interacting with the helicopter pilot, or through the menu in the Base of Operations.

3. Who can play the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2?

The Paradise Lost Incursion is available for free to any player who has a level 40 character and has completed the main story of the game.

4. Can you matchmake the Paradise Lost Incursion?

Yes, matchmaking is available for the Paradise Lost Incursion, allowing you to team up with other players to complete the mission.

5. Can you beat the Paradise Lost Incursion solo?

No, it is not possible to complete the Paradise Lost Incursion solo, as certain mechanics in the mission require a minimum of two players to execute properly.

6. What rewards do you get from the Paradise Lost Incursion?

Upon completing the Paradise Lost Incursion, you can earn XP, patches, random loot, and have a chance to obtain the exclusive incursion weapon, the Ouroboros SMG.

7. Does the Paradise Lost Incursion have a targeted loot feature?

No, the Paradise Lost Incursion does not have a targeted loot feature, so specific loot farming is not available in this activity.

Final Thoughts

This concludes our detailed guide on the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2. In this guide, we covered how to access the incursion, its requirements, difficulty level, encounters, bosses, and the rewards you can earn for completing it.

Hopefully, you now have a clearer understanding of what to expect from this new activity. Utilize our tips and tricks to ensure a smooth experience, and soon you will master the Paradise Lost Incursion!

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Struggling to assemble a team or find the time to complete the Paradise Lost Incursion? No worries! At Dving, we offer fast and efficient Paradise Lost Boosting Services.

Our professional boosters will take care of everything for you. You deserve the best gaming experience, Agent, and we're here to ensure you have it!

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